Note 8: Income taxation effects of other comprehensive income

For the year ended 31 march 2015

Income taxation effects of other comprehensive income    
Exchange gains on translating foreign operations - 4
Recycling of foreign currency translation reserve - 122
Net foreign currency translation gains for foreign operations - 126
Defined benefit plan actuarial (losses)/gains (944) 2 277
Tax effect of defined benefit plan actuarial (losses)/gains 264 (306)
Net defined benefit plan actuarial (losses)/gains (680) 1 971
Defined benefit plan asset ceiling limitation 448 (1 106)
Tax effect of defined benefit plan asset ceiling limitation (125) 149
Net defined benefit plan asset ceiling limitation 323 (957)
Other comprehensive (loss)/income for the year before taxation (496) 1 297
Tax effect of other comprehensive (loss)/income for the year 139 (157)
Other comprehensive (loss)/income for the year, net of taxation (357) 1 140