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PIVOT Strategy

In FY2023, we amended our PIVOT Strategy by changing the "P" from portfolio diversification to partnerships. Portfolio diversification was a move to develop alternative revenue streams outside our core business activities. Some of these have yielded good results, such as our masts and towers investment. At the same time, in other cases, for example, property development, gaming, content and fintech, we have struggled to gain meaningful traction. As the digital ecosystems mature, they are constantly disrupted by new entrants offering a specific value proposition to niche markets. To tap into this innovation and energy, we will focus on bringing the best digital partners to our customers, instead of attempting to develop specific products ourselves.

Apart from this change, the Board has confirmed the relevance of the strategy, with its focus on broadband connectivity in both mobile and fibre. Here, the growth in demand continues and shows no signs of abating. Even in a tough economic environment, customers increasingly rely on data to power applications or access information and opportunities. We will redouble our effort to improve our operational efficiencies and use digital solutions to streamline processes and improve customer experience.

The change in the strategy underlines the acknowledgement of our strengths as an infrastructure business. Our biggest opportunities lie in exploiting our strengths rather than mediating our weaknesses.